
Showing posts from January, 2021

Dr. Kevin Dalby Examines Creativity and Happiness – Different Sides of the Same Coin

  Originally published on Creativity promotes happiness and vice versa said by Psychologists. Many adults believe they’re not creative but acknowledge that they probably were as children. Experts say most people can rekindle that childlike creativity and so derive happiness from even mundane activities. Here,  UT-Austin Professor Kevin Dalby  takes a closer look.   A quote attributed to  Pablo Picasso  says, “every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” The pressures and responsibilities of adulthood often suppress the joy of creativity. Navigating the obstacles of gaining an education, providing for a family, and raising children leaves precious little time to develop and maintain a creative outlet. The mental health benefits of creativity are multifaceted. Creativity can help reduce depression, stress, and anxiety. It can also help trauma survivors process their experiences. Studies have found that crea...

Professor Kevin Dalby Reveals: Can You Succeed in Science Without a Ph.D.?

Originally published on Many young aspiring scientists question if they need a Ph.D. to conduct research. Even though the conventional belief is that you need to be a doctor to succeed, a few scientists have historically managed to become famous without a doctorate. Here,  Kevin Dalby - a professor of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry at The University of Texas in Austin , answers whether you need a Ph.D. to become a researcher and features a few outliers - scientists who never got their Ph.D. but became successful and even famous. One way to think about obtaining a Ph.D. is to envision that your career as a scientist is a 12,000-foot mountain, and you are standing at the base. What you want to achieve, the discoveries you want to make, and the papers you would like to publish are all at, or near, the top of the mountain. There is a chair lift running to a point near the top of the mountain, and a doctorate is your lift ticket. It will take seve...

Cancer Drug Researcher Kevin Dalby Shares Five Interesting Facts About Cancer

  Originally published on Cancer research continues to evolve, generating new fascinating discoveries daily. Over the past few decades, our understanding of cancer has improved significantly. Here,  Austin, TX professor Kevin Dalby  reveals five interesting facts about cancer you may not have heard of before.   Fact #1. In 2019 the  five most common cancer types  that killed women were lung & bronchus, breast, colon & rectum, pancreas, and ovary. For men, the most common cancers are lung & bronchus, prostate, colon & rectum, pancreas, and liver & intrahepatic bile duct.   Fact #2. Even though 67% of Americans diagnosed with cancer survive five or more years, cancer is the  second leading cause of death  globally. It accounted for 1 in 6 deaths worldwide and was responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018.   Fact #3. The  Skin Cancer Foundation reports  that there are more than 419...