Kevin Dalby Gives 5 Reasons Why Handwritten Notes Are Better

This post was originally published on . Handwriting is often praised as an effective note-taking strategy. In this article, UT Austin Professor Dr. Kevin Dalby highlights some of the reasons learners of all ages should include handwriting in the learning process. It may not be for everyone, but understanding the benefits of pen and paper can help you encode information better. Handwriting is often praised as an effective note-taking strategy. In this article, UT Austin Professor Dr. Kevin Dalby highlights some of the reasons learners of all ages should include handwriting in the learning process. It may not be for everyone, but understanding the benefits of pen and paper can help you encode information better. The Mueller and Oppenheimer Study, along with other examinations of this topic, illustrate that there are at least five excellent reasons to consider handwritten notes. Handwriting your notes helps to: Promote better information retention Have fewer distractions Foste...